
Quick Parboiling, Drying and Milling of Paddy

Goswami TK, Murlidhar Meghwal

In India especially Southern-Eastern part of the India, traditional parboiling is still widely practiced among rice processors even though it results in inferior grain quality. The quick parboiling of AVAXI and 424 varieties was performed by steaming the sample in water bath and then sample was sun dried. In sun drying samples were reached 12 to 13% dry basis moisture content. Then these quick parboiled and sun dried samples were taken for milling operation. The milling results show that more head rice is obtained and less broken rice were found. This steam parboiling was found quicker technique than presently available time consuming process of par boiling.


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Hamdard University
European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture (EFITA)
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International Institute of Organised Research (I2OR)
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