Multivariate Methodology Observed that Low Confidence
Military Faculty Occupied with Peacekeeping Obligations
Job Demands, Job Control and Social Support on Psychological Wellbeing
Climate of Global Advertising in Development
Stress Tolerance Ability to Endure Tension and the Resulting Capacity
The efficacy of Traditional Courts in Conflict Transformation in Zimbabwe: A case of Musana Communal Area in Bindura District
The Assessment of Service Quality from Users’ Point of Views: The Case of Revenue Authority, Addis Ababa City Government
Phenomena Found in Human Linguistic Systems
The Functionality of the Housing Policy Instruments in Uganda
Community Participation, Waste Facilities and Solid Waste Management in Uganda. A Case Study of Gulu District
Examining a Conceptual Fallacy on Culture under the Women’s Convention
Land as a Major Source Conflict Between Farmers and Herders in OYO State
Safety Culture and Work Behaviour Among Auto Artisans at Kokompe-Accra, Ghana
Statistical Analysis of the Predictors Affecting Number of Children Ever Born in the Philippines
Identity Theory of Positivism and Positivity to Handle Cultural Restoration and Upholding
Modernizing Governance through Technology: Understanding the Scope of Digital India and AI in E-Governance
Waqa: Single God or Sky God; Conceptual Meaning, Attribute and Invocation among Tulama Oromo of Ethiopia
Diversity Democracy and Its Economic Perspective: Econorelativism and Econopositivism
The Supreme Being and its Mentioning Usually Attaching to Naming: The Case of Indigenous Religion of the Oromo among Tulama Oromo of Ethiopia
Positivism and Positivity Perspective in Diversity Democracy