
Wide Range Voltage to Frequency Converter using PSoC3 Microcontroller

Manju Mohan, Bini D

This design describes a wide range voltage to frequency converter in a single PSoC chip, which can measure wide range of voltage between 50mV-5000mV and found suitability in sensor applications. This design is implemented in a PSoC3 device IC CY8C3866. The design implements analog and digital user modules: an IDAC, COMPARATOR, PWM, COUNTER, UART and LCD. The comparator gets the analog input from measurement signal or from sensors and the digitized output is sent to serial port through UART module. User friendly menu driven program written in LABVIEW acquires the serial data from PSoC chip and the acquired measurement data is displayed on the PC menu screen as well as saved in a user specified file path. The user interacts only with the graphical screen designed for the project. The software used is PSoC creator 2.2 and LabVIEW.