
Removal of High Density Salt & Pepper Noise Using Modified Decision Based Un-Symmetric Trimed Median Filter

Vijayan T

In the Transmission of images over channels, Images are corrupted by salt and pepper noise, due to faulty communications. Salt and Pepper noise is also referred to as Impulse noise. The objective of filtering is to remove the impulses so that the noise free image is fully recovered with minimum signal distortion. The best-known and most widely used non-linear digital filters, based on order statistics are median filters. Median filters are known for their capability to remove impulse noise without damaging the edges. Median filters are known for their capability to remove impulse noise as well as preserve the edges. The effective removal of impulse often leads to images with blurred and distorted features. At high noise densities, their performance is poor. A new algorithm to remove high-density salt and pepper noise using modified Decision Based UN Symmetric Trimmed Median Filter (DBUTM) is proposed.