
Design and Implementation of Super Class Integrated Qubit Fredkin Gate For Quantum Reversible Circuits

B.Pradeep, V.Vishnu Vardhan

Reversible Logic is an emerging technology; it has hellocious applications in various fields. Reversible logic implementation reduces loss of entropy because of bit manipulations. Conservative reversible logic gate obeys reversible logic rules and also satisfies the property that there is equal number of 1s in the outputs as in the inputs. In this work, modified design of SCRL (Super Conservative Reversible Logic) gate for the design of reversible quantum circuit is presented. The proposed SCRL Integrated Qubit gate has 1 control input which swaps n-1 depending on control input. Barrel shifter forms an integral component of many computing systems. As an example of using the proposed SCRL gate to design efficient reversible quantum circuits, the design of reversible barrel shifter with zero ancilla inputs and zero garbage outputs is illustrated.