
Rigid Dynamics Solution Methodology for 3-PSU Parallel Kinematic Manipulators

Arya B Changela , Dr. Ramdevsinh Jhala , Chirag P Kalariya Keyur P Hirpara

In the world of robotics, the parallel kinematic manipulators have proved their unique potentials like rigid structural capacities, better dynamic behaviours, and excellent spatial positional accuracy for many applications. One of the prime focus areas of the paper is to test and to establish a simplified novel approach for the Inverse Kinematics problem solution for a 3-PSU Parallel Kinematic Manipulator platform. Additionally, the methodology for simulation of Inverse Kinematics has been checked and verified. The obtained solution is further used for positional simulation of virtual prototype of 3-PSU PKM using Pro/Mechanism module. Further, these derived data is used for simulation of the Rigid Dynamics Solution for PKM (considering inertial forces acting on actuator) is also simulated in case of circular contouring.


Academic Keys
Cosmos IF
Hamdard University
World Catalogue of Scientific Journals
International Innovative Journal Impact Factor (IIJIF)
International Institute of Organised Research (I2OR)
