
Replica Allocation Technique with Mobility Based Beacons In Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Jeyasri.V, Ramamoorthy.P

In MANET, the packet forwarding necessitates the location information of the neighbor nodes and the location update information is obtained by transmitting the beacon signals periodically. However in geographic routing, the periodic beacon scheme has two problems: (1) It reduces the packet delivery ratio if a node does not exhibit significant dynamism, (2) The mobility and resource constraints of mobile nodes may lead to network partitioning or performance degradation. We propose a replica allocation pattern over the beacon update to address these problems. The replica allocation deals with the frequent network partitioning based on the data that are replicated at nodes there by increasing the data accessibility. The former case is conquered by making the occurrence of beacon updates in accordance with the mobility of the nodes and the latter case is handled by the replica allocation technique.

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