
Masked Face Recognition Based on Deep Learning

Bodoor Al-Rayani

Face recognition systems had become more used over time by multiple organizations or even individuals to achieve different and various purposes such as secure authentication or solving crimes. As the emergence of the COVID-19 virus pandemic had an impact on these systems consequently it forced people to wear masks most of the time which reduced the face recognition system's nicety. For that, different techniques of masked face recognition-based deep learning systems have appeared. This paper introduces the main concepts of deep learning and faces recognition to give the reader an overall comprehensive view, and presents the most recent research in this field, alongside proffers to use of the integration of masked face recognition and deep learning that involve Convolution Neural Network (CNN) to obtain precise results. To conclude, many researchers approved that the integration between these two fields is give satisfactory outcomes. For future work, more methods of masked face recognition-based deep learning will be discovered.