
Efficient Algorithms for Incessant Position Based Spatial Queries in Mobile Environments

G.Elavarasi, K.Manokaran

There is an increase in the process of caching valid regions of location based queries (spatial queries) at mobile clients. It is effective in reducing when the number of queries is posted by mobile clients and the sending queries are loaded on the server. Due to this mobile clients are suffered. That is, mobile clients are waiting for a long time for the server to answer for the posted queries. The proxy-based approach to continuous nearest-neighbor (NN) and window queries was proposed. Proxy creates the Estimated Valid Regions (EVR) for mobile clients by extracting the location and temporal locality of location based queries..In this paper, for window queries to represent the EVR’s in the form of vectors called estimated window vectors (EWVs).It is used for estimating the larger valid regions. In distinctly, separate index structures were used namely EVR-tree and Grid index for NN and window queries. To increase the efficiency, we develop algorithms for exploiting the results of NN queries and window queries.

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