
Contribution of Feed Waveguide on the Admittance Characteristics Of Coplanar Slot Coupled E-H Tee Junction

M.Murali, G.S.N Raju

H and E plane Tee junctions are the most common junctions in microwave communication and radar systems. They are extensively analyzed as evident from the literature. However co-planar E-H plane Tee junction is derived from H plane Tee junction. In this type of junction, T- arm is rotated by 90° and coupling takes place through inclined slot in the narrow wall of primary guide. Vertical slot in the narrow wall does not radiate and hence it is not used as slot antenna. Inclined open slot radiators are used to produce horizontally polarized fields. But due to the inclination the slot radiated fields contain cross polarized components. In order to suppress such cross polarized fields co-planar E-H junctions are extremely useful. An analysis of a T –Junction which differs from conventional H-plane T – junctions in that the T arm is rotated by 90⁰ and coupling takes place through an inclined slot is presented. The variations of conductance, susceptance, coupling and VSWR with the angle of inclination of the slot, and with frequency, are presented and results have been verified practically.

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