Mahmood Ibrahim Alsaydia
Next Generation Networks (NGN) has brought Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) back to the forefront. Since, that everything is managed to be linked to the internet (IoT), heterogeneous networks has been presented as the key factor in NGN for enabling the most benefits that can be realized through collaboration between a diversity of devices working with different standards but all connected to the internet. All that makes the cogitation focusing on infrastructure less networks. Additionally, with the availability of IP addressing in IPv4 running out, IPv6 has emerged to be considered the fundamental protocol to be used in NGN. Since Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are considered to be a part of Ad-hoc networks, though working on a different standard, an opportunistic integration between MANET and WSN has been achieved as one of the aspects of IoT. Where, via configuring nodes named Multi-Purpose Devices (MPDs) to work on both MANET and WSN standards, connections have been established, in the design that had been called information harvester (IH), between sensors transmitting data to one of MANET nodes (sink) and vice versa. Moreover, the number of packets delivered to the sink node increased due to mobility of these MPDs.