
360 Degree Cervical Fixation Revision of Failed Cervical Kyphotic Deformity Fusion

Mohamed Hassan Mahmoud, Ayman E Galhom, MD, Mohamed Al-Qazaz MD, Hassan A Al-Shatoury MD and Ali Abou-Madawi MD

Cervical kyphotic deformity (CKD) associated with cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM) is controversy issue in degenerative spine disease. In addition to cord compression, it carries a risk of fusion failure due to progression of the angle and sagittal imbalance. We illustrated a young male patient diagnosed as progressive myelopathy from kyphotic angle. He had posterior decompression with lateral mass fixation that failed after 5 years and mandated 360° fusion. Circumferential fusion should be surgical preferential in patient with angle progression.



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